Community tutorials#

Jagged, ragged, Awkward Arrays#

An HSF-provided tutorial aimed at High Energy Physics (HEP) researchers on using Awkward Array to obtain a dimuon-mass spectrum.



  • Filter ragged arrays using innermost lists.

  • Compute quantities on combinations of fields with ak.combinations().

  • Unzip arrays with ak.unzip().

  • Ravel (flatten) ragged arrays with ak.ravel().

Loopy and unloopy programming techniques (SciPy 2022)#

A tutorial presented at the SciPy conference on July 11, 2022.



  • Load data from a remote Parquet source with ak.from_parquet().

  • Explore a complex dataset.

  • Mask and slice ragged array with ak.mask().

  • Perform ragged reduction and broadcasting.

  • Flatten ragged arrays with ak.flatten().

Columnar data analysis (CoDaS-HEP 2022)#

A tutorial aimed at HEP researchers, given at CODAS-HEP, to reconstruct Z masses and the Higgs mass from four leptons (4μ, 4e, 2μ2e) using Awkward Array and uproot.



Uproot-Awkward columnar HATS (2020)#

Tutorials for Uproot Awkward Columnar HATS, a hands-on tutorial hosted by the Fermilab LPC.



  • Index nested record arrays.

  • Perform ragged reduction and broadcasting.

  • Restructure/reformat arrays with

  • Write high-performance imperative routines that operate upon Awkward Arrays with Numba.

  • Build Awkward Arrays imperatively with ak.ArrayBuilder.

  • Flatten ragged arrays with ak.flatten().

  • Unzip arrays with ak.unzip().

  • Explore combinatorics with ak.cartesian() and ak.combinations().

  • Mask and slice ragged array with ak.mask().

  • Explode Awkward Arrays into DataFrames with ak.pandas.df().