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awkward Namespace Reference


namespace  LayoutBuilder
namespace  util


class  ArrayBuilder
 User interface to the Builder system: the ArrayBuilder is a fixed reference while the Builder subclass instances change in response to accumulating data. More...
class  BoolBuilder
 Builder node that accumulates boolean values. More...
class  BuffersContainer
 Abstract class to represent the output of ak.to_buffers. In Python, this would be a dict of NumPy arrays. More...
class  Builder
 Abstract base class for nodes within an ArrayBuilder that cumulatively discover an array's type and fill it. More...
class  Complex128Builder
 Builder node that accumulates real numbers (double). More...
class  DatetimeBuilder
 Builder node that accumulates integers (int64_t). More...
class  FileLikeObject
 Abstract class to represent a file-like object, something with a read(num_bytes) method. Satisfies RapidJSON's Stream interface. More...
class  Float64Builder
 Builder node that accumulates real numbers (double). More...
class  ForthInputBuffer
 HERE. More...
class  ForthMachineOf
class  ForthOutputBuffer
 HERE. More...
class  ForthOutputBufferOf
class  FromJsonObjectSchema
class  GrowableBuffer
 Discontiguous, one-dimensional buffer (which consists of multiple contiguous, one-dimensional panels) that can grow indefinitely by calling append. More...
class  Int64Builder
 Builder node that accumulates integers (int64_t). More...
struct  is_specialization
struct  is_specialization< Ref< Args... >, Ref >
class  ListBuilder
 Builder node that accumulates lists. More...
class  OptionBuilder
 Builder node that accumulates data with missing values (None). More...
class  Options
 Container for all configuration options needed by ArrayBuilder, GrowableBuffer, LayoutBuilder and the Builder subclasses. More...
class  Panel
class  RecordBuilder
 Builder node for accumulated records. More...
class  StringBuilder
 Builder node that accumulates strings. More...
class  TupleBuilder
 Builder node for accumulated tuples. More...
class  UnionBuilder
 Builder node for accumulated heterogeneous data. More...
class  UnknownBuilder
 Builder node for accumulated data whose type is not yet known. More...
class  visit_impl
 Class to index tuple at runtime. More...
struct  visit_impl< 0 >
 INDEX reached 0, which means the runtime index did not exist in the tuple. More...
struct  voider


using BuilderPtr = std::shared_ptr<Builder>
using ForthMachine32 = ForthMachineOf<int32_t, int32_t>
using ForthMachine64 = ForthMachineOf<int64_t, int32_t>
using BuilderOptions = Options<int64_t, double>
template<template< class... > class TT, class T >
using is_tt = decltype(is_tt_impl<TT>(std::declval<typename std::decay<T>::type>()))
template<typename... T>
using void_t = typename voider<T...>::type


template<typename T >
void byteswap16 (int64_t num_items, T &value)
template<typename T >
void byteswap32 (int64_t num_items, T &value)
template<typename T >
void byteswap64 (int64_t num_items, T &value)
template<typename T >
void byteswap_intp (int64_t num_items, T &value)
EXPORT_SYMBOL void fromjsonobject (FileLikeObject *source, ArrayBuilder &builder, int64_t buffersize, bool read_one, const char *nan_string=nullptr, const char *posinf_string=nullptr, const char *neginf_string=nullptr)
 Parses a JSON-encoded file-like object using an ArrayBuilder.
template<template< class... > class TT, class... Args>
std::true_type is_tt_impl (TT< Args... >)
template<template< class... > class TT>
std::false_type is_tt_impl (...)
template<typename T >
const std::string type_to_name ()
 Returns the name of a primitive type as a string.
const std::string type_to_name< bool > ()
const std::string type_to_name< char > ()
template<typename T >
const std::string type_to_numpy_like ()
 Returns char string when the primitive type is a character.
const std::string type_to_numpy_like< uint8_t > ()
 Returns numpy-like character code of a primitive type as a string.
const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int8_t > ()
 Returns numpy-like character code i8, when the primitive type is an 8-bit signed integer.
const std::string type_to_numpy_like< uint32_t > ()
 Returns numpy-like character code u32, when the primitive type is a 32-bit unsigned integer.
const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int32_t > ()
 Returns numpy-like character code i32, when the primitive type is a 32-bit signed integer.
const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int64_t > ()
 Returns numpy-like character code i64, when the primitive type is a 64-bit signed integer.
template<typename T , typename OFFSETS >
std::string type_to_form (int64_t form_key_id)
 Generates a Form, which is a unique description of the Layout Builder and its contents in the form of a JSON-like string.
template<typename T >
bool is_awkward_type ()
 Check if an RDataFrame column is an Awkward Array.
template<typename FUNCTION , typename... CONTENTs>
void visit_at (std::tuple< CONTENTs... > const &contents, size_t index, FUNCTION fun)
 Visits the tuple contents at index.
template<typename FUNCTION , typename... CONTENTs>
void visit_at (std::tuple< CONTENTs... > &contents, size_t index, FUNCTION fun)
 Visits the tuple contents at index.
template<typename LayoutBuilder >
std::vector< std::string > buffer_name_helper (const LayoutBuilder *builder)
 Helper function to retrieve the names of the buffers.
template<typename LayoutBuilder >
std::vector< size_t > buffer_size_helper (const LayoutBuilder *builder)
 Helper function to retrieve the sizes (in bytes) of the buffers.
template<typename LayoutBuilder >
size_t num_buffers_helper (const LayoutBuilder *builder)
 Helper function to retrieve the number of the buffers.


template<class T >
constexpr bool is_integral_v = std::is_integral<T>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_signed_v = std::is_signed<T>::value
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool is_same_v = std::is_same<T, U>::value
template<typename , typename = void>
constexpr bool is_iterable {}

Typedef Documentation

◆ BuilderOptions

using BuilderOptions = Options<int64_t, double>

◆ BuilderPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< Builder > BuilderPtr = std::shared_ptr<Builder>

◆ ForthMachine32

using ForthMachine32 = ForthMachineOf<int32_t, int32_t>

◆ ForthMachine64

using ForthMachine64 = ForthMachineOf<int64_t, int32_t>

◆ is_tt

template<template< class... > class TT, class T >
using is_tt = decltype(is_tt_impl<TT>(std::declval<typename std::decay<T>::type>()))

◆ void_t

template<typename... T>
using void_t = typename voider<T...>::type

Function Documentation

◆ buffer_name_helper()

template<typename LayoutBuilder >
std::vector< std::string > buffer_name_helper ( const LayoutBuilder * builder)

Helper function to retrieve the names of the buffers.

Note: use with caution, beware of a potential mismatch between retrieved values!

◆ buffer_size_helper()

template<typename LayoutBuilder >
std::vector< size_t > buffer_size_helper ( const LayoutBuilder * builder)

Helper function to retrieve the sizes (in bytes) of the buffers.

Note: use with caution, beware of a potential mismatch between retrieved values!

◆ byteswap16()

template<typename T >
void byteswap16 ( int64_t num_items,
T & value )


◆ byteswap32()

template<typename T >
void byteswap32 ( int64_t num_items,
T & value )


◆ byteswap64()

template<typename T >
void byteswap64 ( int64_t num_items,
T & value )


◆ byteswap_intp()

template<typename T >
void byteswap_intp ( int64_t num_items,
T & value )


◆ fromjsonobject()

EXPORT_SYMBOL void fromjsonobject ( FileLikeObject * source,
ArrayBuilder & builder,
int64_t buffersize,
bool read_one,
const char * nan_string = nullptr,
const char * posinf_string = nullptr,
const char * neginf_string = nullptr )

Parses a JSON-encoded file-like object using an ArrayBuilder.

sourceFile-like object wrapped with the FileLikeObject abstraction (borrowed reference).
builderTo build the array.
buffersizeNumber of bytes for an intermediate buffer.
read_oneIf true, read only one JSON object (with an error if there's more); otherwise, read a stream of concatenated objects (may be separated by newlines, but we don't check).
nan_stringUser-defined string for a not-a-number (NaN) value representation in JSON format.
infinity_stringUser-defined string for a positive infinity representation in JSON format.
minus_infinity_stringUser-defined string for a negative infinity representation in JSON format.

◆ is_awkward_type()

template<typename T >
bool is_awkward_type ( )

Check if an RDataFrame column is an Awkward Array.

◆ is_tt_impl() [1/2]

template<template< class... > class TT>
std::false_type is_tt_impl ( ...)

◆ is_tt_impl() [2/2]

template<template< class... > class TT, class... Args>
std::true_type is_tt_impl ( TT< Args... > )

◆ num_buffers_helper()

template<typename LayoutBuilder >
size_t num_buffers_helper ( const LayoutBuilder * builder)

Helper function to retrieve the number of the buffers.

Note: use with caution, beware of a potential mismatch between retrieved values!

◆ type_to_form()

template<typename T , typename OFFSETS >
std::string type_to_form ( int64_t form_key_id)

Generates a Form, which is a unique description of the Layout Builder and its contents in the form of a JSON-like string.

Used in RDataFrame to generate the form of the Numpy Layout Builder and ListOffset Layout Builder.

◆ type_to_name()

template<typename T >
const std::string type_to_name ( )

Returns the name of a primitive type as a string.

◆ type_to_name< bool >()

const std::string type_to_name< bool > ( )

◆ type_to_name< char >()

const std::string type_to_name< char > ( )

◆ type_to_numpy_like()

template<typename T >
const std::string type_to_numpy_like ( )

Returns char string when the primitive type is a character.

◆ type_to_numpy_like< int32_t >()

const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int32_t > ( )

Returns numpy-like character code i32, when the primitive type is a 32-bit signed integer.

◆ type_to_numpy_like< int64_t >()

const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int64_t > ( )

Returns numpy-like character code i64, when the primitive type is a 64-bit signed integer.

◆ type_to_numpy_like< int8_t >()

const std::string type_to_numpy_like< int8_t > ( )

Returns numpy-like character code i8, when the primitive type is an 8-bit signed integer.

◆ type_to_numpy_like< uint32_t >()

const std::string type_to_numpy_like< uint32_t > ( )

Returns numpy-like character code u32, when the primitive type is a 32-bit unsigned integer.

◆ type_to_numpy_like< uint8_t >()

const std::string type_to_numpy_like< uint8_t > ( )

Returns numpy-like character code of a primitive type as a string.

◆ visit_at() [1/2]

template<typename FUNCTION , typename... CONTENTs>
void visit_at ( std::tuple< CONTENTs... > & contents,
size_t index,

Visits the tuple contents at index.

◆ visit_at() [2/2]

template<typename FUNCTION , typename... CONTENTs>
void visit_at ( std::tuple< CONTENTs... > const & contents,
size_t index,

Visits the tuple contents at index.

Variable Documentation

◆ is_integral_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool is_integral_v = std::is_integral<T>::value

◆ is_iterable

template<typename , typename = void>
constexpr bool is_iterable {}

◆ is_same_v

template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool is_same_v = std::is_same<T, U>::value

◆ is_signed_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool is_signed_v = std::is_signed<T>::value