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awkward::util Namespace Reference


class  array_deleter
 Used as a std::shared_ptr deleter (second argument) to overload delete ptr with delete[] ptr. More...
struct  NameValuePair


using RecordLookup = std::vector< std::string >
using RecordLookupPtr = std::shared_ptr< RecordLookup >
using Parameters = std::map< std::string, std::string >
using TypeStrs = std::map< std::string, std::string >


enum class  datetime_units {
  unknown = -1 , Y = 1 , M = 2 , W = 3 ,
  D = 4 , h = 5 , m = 6 , s = 7 ,
  ms = 8 , us = 9 , ns = 10 , ps = 11 ,
  fs = 12 , as = 13
 Valid datetime units. Different units of two datetime type Arrays will be normalized to the smallest unit (== a larger enum value). More...
enum class  dtype {
  NOT_PRIMITIVE , boolean , int8 , int16 ,
  int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 ,
  uint32 , uint64 , float16 , float32 ,
  float64 , float128 , complex64 , complex128 ,
  complex256 , datetime64 , timedelta64 , size
 NumPy dtypes that can be interpreted within Awkward C++ (only the primitive, fixed-width types). Non-native-endian types are considered NOT_PRIMITIVE. More...
enum class  ForthError {
  none , not_ready , is_done , user_halt ,
  recursion_depth_exceeded , stack_underflow , stack_overflow , read_beyond ,
  seek_beyond , skip_beyond , rewind_beyond , division_by_zero ,
  varint_too_big , text_number_missing , quoted_string_missing , enumeration_missing ,
 Exhaustive list of runtime errors possible in the ForthMachine. More...


const std::string format_to_units (const std::string &format)
 Convert a format string into a datetime units string.
const std::string units_to_format (dtype dt, const std::string &units, int64_t step)
 Convert a datetime units string into a format string.
template<class Mapping , class V >
std::string name (Mapping a, V value)
template<class Mapping >
Mapping::value_type::value_type value (Mapping a, const std::string &name)
std::tuple< std::string, int64_t > datetime_data (const std::string &format)
double scale_from_units (const std::string &format, uint64_t index)
dtype name_to_dtype (const std::string &name)
 Returns the name associated with a given dtype.
const std::string dtype_to_name (dtype dt)
 Returns the name associated with a given dtype.
dtype format_to_dtype (const std::string &format, int64_t itemsize)
 Convert a NumPy format string and itemsize into a dtype enum.
const std::string dtype_to_format (dtype dt, const std::string &format="")
 Convert a dtype enum into a NumPy format string.
int64_t dtype_to_itemsize (dtype dt)
 Convert a dtype enum into an itemsize.
bool is_integer (dtype dt)
 True if the dtype is a non-boolean integer (signed or unsigned).
bool is_signed (dtype dt)
 True if the dtype is a signed integer.
bool is_unsigned (dtype dt)
 True if the dtype is an unsigned integer.
bool is_real (dtype dt)
 True if the dtype is a non-complex floating point number.
bool is_complex (dtype dt)
 True if the dtype is a complex number.
void handle_error (const struct Error &err, const std::string &classname=std::string(""))
 If the Error struct contains an error message (from a cpu-kernel through the C interface), raise that error as a C++ exception.
std::string quote (const std::string &x)
 Puts quotation marks around a string and escapes the appropriate characters.
RecordLookupPtr init_recordlookup (int64_t numfields)
 Initializes a RecordLookup by assigning each element with a string representation of its field index position.
int64_t fieldindex (const RecordLookupPtr &recordlookup, const std::string &key, int64_t numfields)
 Returns the field index associated with a key, given a RecordLookup and a number of fields.
const std::string key (const RecordLookupPtr &recordlookup, int64_t fieldindex, int64_t numfields)
 Returns the key associated with a field index, given a RecordLookup and a number of fields.
bool haskey (const RecordLookupPtr &recordlookup, const std::string &key, int64_t numfields)
 Returns true if a RecordLookup has a given key; false otherwise.
const std::vector< std::string > keys (const RecordLookupPtr &recordlookup, int64_t numfields)
 Returns a given RecordLookup as keys or generate anonymous ones form a number of fields.
bool json_equals (const std::string &myvalue, const std::string &value)
 Returns true if myvalue is equal to value when interpreted as JSON.
bool parameter_equals (const Parameters &parameters, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
 Returns true if the value associated with a key in parameters is equal to the specified value.
bool parameters_equal (const Parameters &self, const Parameters &other, bool check_all)
 Returns true if all key-value pairs in self is equal to all key-value pairs in other.
void merge_parameters (Parameters &output, const Parameters &input)
 Merges a set of input parameters with output, keeping only those that are common to all sets.
bool parameter_isstring (const Parameters &parameters, const std::string &key)
 Returns true if the parameter associated with key is a string; false otherwise.
bool parameter_isname (const Parameters &parameters, const std::string &key)
 Returns true if the parameter associated with key is a string that matches [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*; false otherwise.
const std::string parameter_asstring (const Parameters &parameters, const std::string &key)
 Returns the parameter associated with key as a string if parameter_isstring; raises an error otherwise.
std::string gettypestr (const Parameters &parameters, const TypeStrs &typestrs)
 Extracts a custom type string from typestrs if required by one of the parameters or an empty string if there is no match.


const std::array< const NameValuePair< datetime_units >, 14 > units_map

Typedef Documentation

◆ Parameters

using Parameters = std::map<std::string, std::string>

◆ RecordLookup

using RecordLookup = std::vector<std::string>

◆ RecordLookupPtr

using RecordLookupPtr = std::shared_ptr<RecordLookup>

◆ TypeStrs

using TypeStrs = std::map<std::string, std::string>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ datetime_units

enum class datetime_units

Valid datetime units. Different units of two datetime type Arrays will be normalized to the smallest unit (== a larger enum value).


◆ dtype

enum class dtype

NumPy dtypes that can be interpreted within Awkward C++ (only the primitive, fixed-width types). Non-native-endian types are considered NOT_PRIMITIVE.


◆ ForthError

enum class ForthError

Exhaustive list of runtime errors possible in the ForthMachine.


Function Documentation

◆ datetime_data()

std::tuple< std::string, int64_t > datetime_data ( const std::string &  format)

◆ dtype_to_format()

const std::string dtype_to_format ( dtype  dt,
const std::string &  format = "" 

Convert a dtype enum into a NumPy format string.

◆ dtype_to_itemsize()

int64_t dtype_to_itemsize ( dtype  dt)

Convert a dtype enum into an itemsize.

◆ dtype_to_name()

const std::string dtype_to_name ( dtype  dt)

Returns the name associated with a given dtype.

◆ fieldindex()

int64_t fieldindex ( const RecordLookupPtr recordlookup,
const std::string &  key,
int64_t  numfields 

Returns the field index associated with a key, given a RecordLookup and a number of fields.

◆ format_to_dtype()

dtype format_to_dtype ( const std::string &  format,
int64_t  itemsize 

Convert a NumPy format string and itemsize into a dtype enum.

◆ format_to_units()

const std::string format_to_units ( const std::string &  format)

Convert a format string into a datetime units string.

◆ gettypestr()

std::string gettypestr ( const Parameters parameters,
const TypeStrs typestrs 

Extracts a custom type string from typestrs if required by one of the parameters or an empty string if there is no match.

◆ handle_error()

void handle_error ( const struct Error err,
const std::string &  classname = std::string("") 

If the Error struct contains an error message (from a cpu-kernel through the C interface), raise that error as a C++ exception.

errThe Error struct from a cpu-kernel.
classnameThe name of this class to include in the error message.

◆ haskey()

bool haskey ( const RecordLookupPtr recordlookup,
const std::string &  key,
int64_t  numfields 

Returns true if a RecordLookup has a given key; false otherwise.

◆ init_recordlookup()

RecordLookupPtr init_recordlookup ( int64_t  numfields)

Initializes a RecordLookup by assigning each element with a string representation of its field index position.

For example, if numfields = 3, the return value is ["0", "1", "2"].

◆ is_complex()

bool is_complex ( dtype  dt)

True if the dtype is a complex number.

◆ is_integer()

bool is_integer ( dtype  dt)

True if the dtype is a non-boolean integer (signed or unsigned).

◆ is_real()

bool is_real ( dtype  dt)

True if the dtype is a non-complex floating point number.

◆ is_signed()

bool is_signed ( dtype  dt)

True if the dtype is a signed integer.

◆ is_unsigned()

bool is_unsigned ( dtype  dt)

True if the dtype is an unsigned integer.

◆ json_equals()

bool json_equals ( const std::string &  myvalue,
const std::string &  value 

Returns true if myvalue is equal to value when interpreted as JSON.

◆ key()

const std::string key ( const RecordLookupPtr recordlookup,
int64_t  fieldindex,
int64_t  numfields 

Returns the key associated with a field index, given a RecordLookup and a number of fields.

◆ keys()

const std::vector< std::string > keys ( const RecordLookupPtr recordlookup,
int64_t  numfields 

Returns a given RecordLookup as keys or generate anonymous ones form a number of fields.

◆ merge_parameters()

void merge_parameters ( Parameters output,
const Parameters input 

Merges a set of input parameters with output, keeping only those that are common to all sets.

◆ name()

std::string name ( Mapping  a,

◆ name_to_dtype()

dtype name_to_dtype ( const std::string &  name)

Returns the name associated with a given dtype.

◆ parameter_asstring()

const std::string parameter_asstring ( const Parameters parameters,
const std::string &  key 

Returns the parameter associated with key as a string if parameter_isstring; raises an error otherwise.

◆ parameter_equals()

bool parameter_equals ( const Parameters parameters,
const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 

Returns true if the value associated with a key in parameters is equal to the specified value.

Keys are simple strings, but values are JSON-encoded strings. For this reason, values that represent single strings are double-quoted: e.g. "\"actual_value\"".

◆ parameter_isname()

bool parameter_isname ( const Parameters parameters,
const std::string &  key 

Returns true if the parameter associated with key is a string that matches [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*; false otherwise.

◆ parameter_isstring()

bool parameter_isstring ( const Parameters parameters,
const std::string &  key 

Returns true if the parameter associated with key is a string; false otherwise.

◆ parameters_equal()

bool parameters_equal ( const Parameters self,
const Parameters other,
bool  check_all 

Returns true if all key-value pairs in self is equal to all key-value pairs in other.

Keys are simple strings, but values are JSON-encoded strings. For this reason, values that represent single strings are double-quoted: e.g. "\"actual_value\"".

If check_all, every parameter is checked; otherwise, only "__array__" and "__record__" are checked.

◆ quote()

std::string quote ( const std::string &  x)

Puts quotation marks around a string and escapes the appropriate characters.

xThe string to quote.
doublequoteIf true, apply double-quotes ("</tt>); if <tt>false</tt>, apply single-quotes (&lsquo;&rsquo;`). @note The implementation does not yet escape characters: it only adds strings. See issue <a href="" >scikit-hep/awkward-1.0#186.

◆ scale_from_units()

double scale_from_units ( const std::string &  format,
uint64_t  index 

◆ units_to_format()

const std::string units_to_format ( dtype  dt,
const std::string &  units,
int64_t  step 

Convert a datetime units string into a format string.

◆ value()

Mapping::value_type::value_type value ( Mapping  a,
const std::string &  name 

Variable Documentation

◆ units_map

const std::array<const NameValuePair<datetime_units>, 14> units_map
Initial value:
{{datetime_units::unknown, "unknown", 1, 1},
{datetime_units::Y, "Y", 31556952, 1},
{datetime_units::M, "M", 2629746, 1},
{datetime_units::W, "W", 604800, 1},
{datetime_units::D, "D", 86400, 1},
{datetime_units::h, "h", 3600, 1},
{datetime_units::m, "m", 60, 1},
{datetime_units::s, "s", 1, 1},
{datetime_units::ms, "ms", 1, 1000},
{datetime_units::us, "us", 1, 1000000},
{datetime_units::ns, "ns", 1, 1000000000},
{datetime_units::ps, "ps", 1, 1000000000000},
{datetime_units::fs, "fs", 1, 1000000000000000},
{datetime_units::as, "as", 1, 1000000000000000000}}