ak.from_dlpack -------------- .. py:module: ak.from_dlpack Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_from_dlpack <https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward/blob/3d14f2e74c7b6d99b09e436f90de4722f5959548/src/awkward/operations/ak_from_dlpack.py>`__ on `line 16 <https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward/blob/3d14f2e74c7b6d99b09e436f90de4722f5959548/src/awkward/operations/ak_from_dlpack.py#L16>`__. .. py:function:: ak.from_dlpack(array, *, prefer_cpu=True, regulararray=False, highlevel=True, behavior=None, primitive_policy='error', attrs=None) :param array: The DLPack-supporting array to convert into an Awkward Array. :type array: cp.ndarray :param prefer_cpu: If True, and the array device supports both CPU and GPU backends, prefer the CPU; otherwise, prefer the GPU. :type prefer_cpu: bool :param regulararray: If True and the array is multidimensional, the dimensions are represented by nested :py:obj:`ak.contents.RegularArray` nodes; if False and the array is multidimensional, the dimensions are represented by a multivalued :py:obj:`ak.contents.NumpyArray.shape`. If the array is one-dimensional, this has no effect. :type regulararray: bool :param highlevel: If True, return an :py:obj:`ak.Array`; otherwise, return a low-level :py:obj:`ak.contents.Content` subclass. :type highlevel: bool :param behavior: Custom :py:obj:`ak.behavior` for the output array, if high-level. :type behavior: None or dict :param attrs: Custom attributes for the output array, if high-level. :type attrs: None or dict Converts a DLPack-aware array into an Awkward Array. The resulting layout may involve the following :py:obj:`ak.contents.Content` types (only): * :py:obj:`ak.contents.NumpyArray` * :py:obj:`ak.contents.RegularArray` if ``regulararray=True``.