ak.backend ---------- .. py:module: ak.backend Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_backend `__ on `line 12 `__. .. py:function:: ak.backend(*arrays) :param arrays: Array-like data (anything :py:obj:`ak.to_layout` recognizes). Returns the name of the backend used by ``arrays``. This name may be * ``"cpu"`` for arrays backed by NumPy; * ``"cuda"`` for arrays backed by CuPy; * ``"jax"`` for arrays backed by JAX; * ``"typetracer"`` for arrays without any data; * None if the objects are not Awkward, NumPy, JAX, CuPy, or typetracer arrays (e.g. Python numbers, booleans, strings). If there are multiple, compatible backends (e.g. NumPy & typetracer) amongst the given arrays, the coercible backend is returned. See :py:obj:`ak.to_backend`.