--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.15.0 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 --- # How to extract substrings using regular expressions +++ Let's consider the following log data ```{code-cell} ipython3 import awkward as ak lines = ak.from_iter( [ "12-17 19:31:36.263 1795 1825 I PowerManager_screenOn: DisplayPowerStatesetColorFadeLevel: level=1.0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.263 5224 5283 I SendBroadcastPermission: action:android.com.huawei.bone.NOTIFY_SPORT_DATA, mPermissionType:0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=21, rate=40\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 I PowerManager_screenOn: DisplayPowerController updatePowerState mPendingRequestLocked=policy=BRIGHT, useProximitySensor=true, useProximitySensorbyPhone=true, screenBrightness=33, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, brightnessSetByUser=true, useAutoBrightness=true, blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false, dozeScreenBrightness=-1, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, useTwilight=false, useSmartBacklight=true, brightnessWaitMode=false, brightnessWaitRet=true, screenAutoBrightness=-1, userId=0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 2750 I PowerManager_screenOn: DisplayPowerState Updating screen state: state=ON, backlight=823\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 2750 I HwLightsService: back light level before map = 823\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=21, rate=40\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 I WindowManger_keyguard: onScreenTurnedOn()\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 D DisplayPowerController: Display ready!\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 1795 1825 D DisplayPowerController: Finished business...\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 2852 3328 D KeyguardService: Caller checkPermission fail\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 2852 3328 D KeyguardService: KGSvcCall onScreenTurnedOn.\r", "12-17 19:31:36.264 2852 3328 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 I PhoneStatusBar: onScreenTurnedOn\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 D KGWallpaper_Magazine: getNextIndex: 0; from 5 to 5; size: 44\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 I HwLockScreenReporter: report msg is :{picture: Deepwater-05-2.3.001-bigpicture_05_8.jpg}\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 W HwLockScreenReporter: report result = falsereport type:162 msg:{picture: Deepwater-05-2.3.001-bigpicture_05_8.jpg, channelId: 05}\r", "12-17 19:31:36.265 2852 2852 I OucScreenOnCounter: Screen already turned on at: 1481974212\r", "12-17 19:31:36.267 5224 5283 I SendBroadcastPermission: action:android.com.huawei.bone.NOTIFY_SPORT_DATA, mPermissionType:0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.270 1795 16500 I HwActivityManagerService: Split enqueueing broadcast [callerApp]:ProcessRecord{580cfb2 5224:com.huawei.health:DaemonService/u0a99}\r", "12-17 19:31:36.271 2852 2852 I EventCenter: EventCenter Get :android.com.huawei.bone.NOTIFY_SPORT_DATA\r", "12-17 19:31:36.275 7741 7741 D Mms_TX_NOTIFY: Get no-perm notification callback android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON\r", "12-17 19:31:36.275 7741 7741 D Mms_TX_NOTIFY: ScreenState present\r", "12-17 19:31:36.275 5224 5283 I Step_HSNH: 20002302|upDateHealthNotification()|89|2.98|4180\r", "12-17 19:31:36.276 2883 2996 I HwSystemManager: ITrafficInfo:ITrafficInfo create 301updateBytes = 1769320345\r", "12-17 19:31:36.278 5224 5283 I Step_HSNH: 20002302|rebuild notification\r", "12-17 19:31:36.279 2852 2925 I EventCenter: ContentChange for slot: 1\r", "12-17 19:31:36.279 2852 2852 I HwBrightnessController: onChange selfChange:false uri.toString():content://settings/system/screen_auto_brightness mIsObserveAutoBrightnessChange:true\r", "12-17 19:31:36.279 1795 1825 D FpDataCollector: case xxx, not a fingerprint unlock \r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 1795 1825 D PowerManagerService: ready=true,policy=3,wakefulness=1,wksummary=0x11,uasummary=0x1,bootcompleted=true,boostinprogress=false,waitmodeenable=false,mode=true,manual=33,auto=-1,adj=0.0userId=0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 1795 1825 I PowerManager_screenOn: PowerManagerNotifier onWakefulnessChangeFinished mInteractiveChanging=true, mInteractive=true\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 2852 2852 I HwBrightnessUtils: APS brightness=20.0,ConvertToPercentage=0.21667233\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 2852 2852 I HwBrightnessUtils: getSeekBarProgress isAutoMode:true current brightness:20 percentage:0.21667233\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 2852 2852 I HwBrightnessController: updateSlider1 seekBarProgress:2167\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 2852 2852 I HwBrightnessController: updateSlider2 seekBarProgress:2167\r", "12-17 19:31:36.280 2852 2852 I ToggleSlider: mSeekListener onProgressChanged progress:2167 fromUser:false\r", "12-17 19:31:36.281 2852 2852 I ToggleSlider: mSeekListener onProgressChanged progress:2167 fromUser:false\r", "12-17 19:31:36.282 3626 3753 I LogCollectService: msg = 103 received\r", "12-17 19:31:36.283 1795 11747 I NotificationManager: enqueueNotificationInternal: pkg=com.huawei.health id=10010 notification=Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)\r", "12-17 19:31:36.284 1795 1795 I NotificationManager: enqueueNotificationInternal: n.getKey = 0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099\r", "12-17 19:31:36.285 1795 2750 D HW_DISPLAY_EFFECT: presently, hw_update_color_temp_for_rg_led interface not achieved.\r", "12-17 19:31:36.285 3466 3466 I Contacts: DialpadFragment mBroadcastReceiver action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON\r", "12-17 19:31:36.289 3608 3608 D InCall : InCallActivity - mScreenOnReceiver mCallEndOptionsDialog = null\r", "12-17 19:31:36.295 1795 1795 V NotificationService: disableEffects=null canInterrupt=false once update: false\r", "12-17 19:31:36.297 2852 2852 I StatusBar: onNotificationPosted: StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.huawei.health user=UserHandle{0} id=10010 tag=null key=0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)) important=2, post=1481974296283, when=1481531589202, vis=0, userid=0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.297 2852 2852 D StatusBar: updateNotification(StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.huawei.health user=UserHandle{0} id=10010 tag=null key=0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)))\r", "12-17 19:31:36.298 2852 2852 D HwCust : Create obj success use class android.app.HwCustNotificationImpl\r", "12-17 19:31:36.299 2852 2852 I StatusBarIconView: updateTint: tint=0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.300 2852 2852 D StatusBar: No peeking: unimportant notification: 0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 D StatusBar: applyInPlace=true shouldPeek=false alertAgain=true\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 I NotificationGroupManager: onEntryUpdated:0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 I NotificationGroupManager: onEntryAdded:0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099, group=0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 D StatusBar: reusing notification for key: 0|com.huawei.health|10010|null|10099\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 D HwCust : Create obj success use class android.app.HwCustNotificationImpl\r", "12-17 19:31:36.301 2852 2852 D HwCust : Create obj success use class android.app.HwCustNotificationImpl\r", "12-17 19:31:36.302 2852 2852 I StatusBarIconView: updateTint: tint=0\r", "12-17 19:31:36.304 16628 16628 I TotemWeather: RetryTaskController:mTaskList is null\r", "12-17 19:31:36.311 2852 2852 I HwPhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationShade\r", "12-17 19:31:36.311 2852 2852 I PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationShade\r", "12-17 19:31:36.311 2852 2852 I PhoneStatusBar: removeNotificationChildren\r", "12-17 19:31:36.311 2852 2852 I HwNotificationIconAreaController: showNotificationAll\r", "12-17 19:31:36.313 31949 31967 I PushService: main{1} PushService.onStartCommand(PushService.java:87) Push Service Start by userEvent\r", ] ) ``` In the {mod}`ak.str` module there is the {func}`ak.str.extract_regex` function. This function decomposes an array of strings into an array of records, where each field of the newly created records corresponds to a named group in the regular expression. Let's define a regular expression to match our log ```{code-cell} ipython3 pattern = ( # Timestamp r"(?P<datetime>\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\." # Fractional seconds r"(?P<datetime_frac>\d\d\d)\s\s" # Unknown integers r"(?P<i0>\d\d\d\d)\s\s" r"(?P<i1>\d\d\d\d)\s" # String category r"(?P<category>\w)\s" # String message r"(?P<message>.*)" ) ``` Does this match the first line? ```{code-cell} ipython3 lines[0] ``` Let's use the {mod}`re` module to use the above pattern to parse this line ```{code-cell} ipython3 import re match = re.match(pattern, lines[0]) match.groupdict() ``` Let's now apply {func}`ak.str.extract_regex` to our array of lines using this pattern ```{code-cell} ipython3 structured = ak.str.extract_regex(lines, pattern) structured ``` The type of the `structured` record is an "optional record of optional fields". This is because both the match itself can fail (producing the outer option), or the inner groups may be missing (producing the inner options). If we know that all groups should succeed or all groups should fail, then we can lift the inner options outside the record. To do this, we need to decompose the record, and rebuild it with `ak.zip` which provides a special `optiontype_outside_record` argument. ```{code-cell} ipython3 fields = ak.fields(structured) contents = ak.unzip(structured) result = ak.zip(dict(zip(fields, contents)), optiontype_outside_record=True) result ```