
Defined in awkward.operations.ak_from_arrow on line 10.

ak.from_arrow(array, *, generate_bitmasks=False, highlevel=True, behavior=None)#
  • array (pyarrow.Array, pyarrow.ChunkedArray, pyarrow.RecordBatch, or pyarrow.Table) – Apache Arrow array to convert into an Awkward Array.

  • generate_bitmasks (bool) – If enabled and Arrow/Parquet does not have Awkward metadata, generate_bitmasks=True creates empty bitmasks for nullable types that don’t have bitmasks in the Arrow/Parquet data, so that the Form (BitMaskedForm vs UnmaskedForm) is predictable.

  • highlevel (bool) – If True, return an ak.Array; otherwise, return a low-level ak.contents.Content subclass.

  • behavior (None or dict) – Custom ak.behavior for the output array, if high-level.

Converts an Apache Arrow array into an Awkward Array.

This function always preserves the values of a dataset; i.e. the Python objects returned by ak.to_list are identical to the Python objects returned by Arrow’s to_pylist method. If ak.to_arrow was invoked with extensionarray=True, this function also preserves the data type (high-level ak.types.Type, though not the low-level ak.forms.Form), even through Parquet, making Parquet a good way to save Awkward Arrays for later use.

See also ak.to_arrow, ak.to_arrow_table, ak.from_parquet, ak.from_arrow_schema.