ak.from_rdataframe ------------------ .. py:module: ak.from_rdataframe Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_from_rdataframe `__ on `line 10 `__. .. py:function:: ak.from_rdataframe(rdf, columns, *, keep_order=False, offsets_type='int64', with_name=None, highlevel=True, behavior=None) :param rdf: ROOT RDataFrame to convert into an Awkward Array. :type rdf: ``ROOT.RDataFrame`` :param columns: A column or multiple columns to be converted to Awkward Array. :type columns: str or iterable of str :param keep_order: If set to ``True`` the columns with Awkward type will keep order after filtering. :type keep_order: bool :param offsets_type: A ``NumpyType.primitive`` type of the ListOffsetArray offsets: ``"int32"``, ``"uint32"`` or ``"int64"``. :type offsets_type: str :param with_name: Gives tuples and records a name that can be used to override their behavior (see :py:obj:`ak.Array`). :type with_name: None or str :param highlevel: If True, return an :py:obj:`ak.Array`; otherwise, return a low-level :py:obj:`ak.contents.Content` subclass. :type highlevel: bool :param behavior: Custom :py:obj:`ak.behavior` for the output array, if high-level. :type behavior: None or dict Converts ROOT RDataFrame columns into an Awkward Array. If ``columns`` is a string, the return value represents a single RDataFrame column. If ``columns`` is any other iterable, the return value is a record array, in which each field corresponds to an RDataFrame column. In particular, if the ``columns`` iterable contains only one string, it is still a record array, which has only one field. See also :py:obj:`ak.to_rdataframe`.