ak.copy ------- .. py:module: ak.copy Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_copy `__ on `line 13 `__. .. py:function:: ak.copy(array) :param array: Array-like data (anything :py:obj:`ak.to_layout` recognizes). Returns a deep copy of the array (no memory shared with original). This is identical to ``np.copy`` and ``copy.deepcopy``. It's only useful to explicitly copy an array if you're going to change it in-place. This doesn't come up often because Awkward Arrays are immutable. That is to say, the Awkward Array library doesn't have any operations that change an array in-place, but the data in the array might be owned by another library that can change it in-place. For example, if the array comes from NumPy: .. code-block:: python >>> underlying_array = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]) >>> wrapper = ak.Array(underlying_array) >>> duplicate = ak.copy(wrapper) >>> underlying_array[2] = 123 >>> underlying_array array([ 1.1, 2.2, 123. , 4.4, 5.5]) >>> wrapper >>> duplicate There is an exception to this rule: you can add fields to records in an :py:obj:`ak.Array` in-place. However, this changes the :py:obj:`ak.Array` wrapper without affecting the underlying layout data (it *replaces* its layout), so a shallow copy will do: .. code-block:: python >>> import copy >>> original = ak.Array([{"x": 1}, {"x": 2}, {"x": 3}]) >>> shallow_copy = copy.copy(original) >>> shallow_copy["y"] = original.x**2 >>> shallow_copy >>> original This is key to Awkward Array's efficiency (memory and speed): operations that only change part of a structure re-use pieces from the original ("structural sharing"). Changing data in-place would result in many surprising long-distance changes, so we don't support it. However, an :py:obj:`ak.Array`'s data might come from a mutable third-party library, so this function allows you to make a true copy.