ak.mixin_class_method --------------------- .. py:module: ak.mixin_class_method Defined in `awkward.behaviors.mixins `__ on `line 66 `__. .. py:function:: ak.mixin_class_method(ufunc, rhs=None) :param ufunc: A universal function (or NEP18 callable) that is hooked in Awkward Array, i.e. it can be the first argument of a behavior. :type ufunc: numpy.ufunc :param rhs: Set of right-hand side argument types, optional if wrapping a unary function. The left-hand side is expected to always be ``self`` of the parent class. :type rhs: Set[type] or None :param transpose: If true, automatically create a transpose signature (only makes sense for binary ufuncs). :type transpose: bool This decorator can be used to register a mixin class method. Using this decorator ensures that derived classes that are declared with the :py:obj:`ak.mixin_class` decorator will also have the behaviors that this class has.